JSW has the largest selection of All Electric Vertical Molding Machines in the world

JSW features their all electric injection molding technology with this vertical clamp molding machine.
With machines from 22 to 242 tons, we can provide you with the best technology for your vertical molding application.
Machines are available with a vertical injection unit or horizontal injection.
JSW also has two shot machines available and automation to reduce labor and give you the best return on your investment.
JSW Vertical Molding Machines
Our super-advanced all-electric vertical type injection molding machine is faster, more precise, and more compact; all to meet the demands of today’s plastics industry.
The JT-AD series machines are evolving to match the needs of today and beyond. They display high productivity on in-line assembly.
Using the advanced technologies that have been fostered for many years and are unique to JSW, we have created machines that achieve high-precision injection molding.